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What are hydrogenated cannabinoids?

A hydrogenated cannabinoid is a cannabinoid that has been subjected to hydrogenation, a process that adds hydrogen atoms to molecules. Many cannabinoids can be hydrogenated, and in most cases, it’s possible to hydrogenate each cannabinoid with multiple different quantities of hydrogen atoms. Every hydrogenated cannabinoid has unique properties, but in most cases, the chemical hydrogenation of a cannabinoid typically increases their potency.

Is H4CBD synthetic?

Yes, H4CBD is technically synthetic. Keep in mind that this hydrogenated cannabinoid has not been artificially constructed from scratch or combined with any complicated substances. Nonetheless, any alteration in a natural compound is considered a synthetic form of the original. Also, synthesized versions of substances almost always have new and unique properties.

Is H4CBD 100 times stronger than CBD?

The claim that H4CBD is 100 times stronger than conventional CBD is more hype than it is fact. Based on a single unreproduced study from more than 15 years ago, scientists now speculate that H4CBD may demonstrate remarkably increased affinity compared to CBD — but at the nervous system’s CB1 receptors, not the main targets of conventional CBD.

Normally, CBD has very little affinity for CB1 and may even reduce its activity. When combined with four hydrogen atoms, however, CBD’s affinity for CB1 apparently increases considerably, making the new cannabinoid (H4CBD) more psychoactive.

Does H4CBD get you high?

It wouldn’t be quite accurate to say that H4CBD gets you high, but this cannabinoid certainly doesn’t provide the effects you usually associate with CBD, either. Based on limited preliminary research and anecdotal testimony, it appears that taking H4CBD feels like taking a big dose of CBD alongside a small dose of THC. As anyone who has ever combined the two cannabinoids knows, CBD has a tendency to drown out THC without completely eliminating its effects.

Is H4CBD the same thing as HHC?

No, H4CBD and HHC are different, but based on their origins, it’s natural to get the two cannabinoids confused. Just as H4CBD is a hydrogenated form of CBD, HHC is a hydrogenated form of THC. While H4CBD is believed to show greater activity at the CB1 receptors than CBD, though, HHC is generally believed to actually be somewhat weaker than conventional THC.

Are there strains with H4CBD?

No, there are no strains of cannabis or hemp containing H4CBD since this cannabinoid is not naturally occurring. Since it is not possible to extract natural H4CBD, this cannabinoid can only be made by hydrogenation.

What is the best type of H4CBD product?

So far, users generally seem to prefer H4CBD vapes and gummies. Over time, though, expect H4CBD capsules, tablets, and even topicals to also come into high demand. Whichever type of product it may be, H4CBD products should contain simple ingredients and be accompanied by thorough lab reports.

 What are some common H4CBD effects?

Based on what little we know so far, it appears that H4CBD has roughly the same effects as CBD. Some evidence suggests, though, that this synthetic derivative of CBD may be more effective at certain neuroreceptors. These neuroreceptors are not, however, commonly associated with the effects of CBD. Due to a continuing lack of research, not enough is known about H4CBD to say anything definitive regarding its effects.

What is H4CBD distillate?

H4CBD distillate consists of H4CBD combined with a “denatured” hemp distillate from which other cannabinoids have been removed. Rare cannabinoids like H4CBD are often offered in distillate form since it is easy to combine a distillate base with practically any isolated cannabinoid.

Like most cannabinoids aside from CBD and CBG, H4CBD must be produced as a derivative of a natural hemp cannabinoid, making H4CBD distillate an inherently synthetic product. Even though its dominant cannabinoid is synthetic, H4CBD distillate still looks like you’d expect distillate to look — honey-colored, viscous, and translucent.

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