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7 Muscle Recovery Tips to Reduce Muscle Soreness

Fatigue builds up in every sportsman’s body after each intense workout. The most common symptom of strenuous exercise is muscle soreness, which can last from 2 days to 1 week. In order to perform better in the gym, you need to know what to do to recover quickly and relieve Muscle recovery as much as possible.

Stopping movement for too long can cause muscle soreness. It is important to differentiate between muscle pain and muscle spasm. Unlike the first, a muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction of skeletal muscle. Cramps, whether part or all of a muscle, can happen at the most unexpected moment.

Let’s take a look at 7 muscle recovery tips and how to reduce muscle soreness and cramps.

1. Active recovery of muscles
Some studies show that your muscles recover best with low-intensity exercise. Studies have shown that active recovery right after exercise reduces lactic acid in the body, and is more intense than total stationary state. Researchers have found that athletes have a better ability to relax because lower-intensity activity stimulates blood circulation and the muscles receive more nutrients and electrolytes.

So, after you’re done training, take 15 minutes of slow cardio or 20-30 minutes of walking in the park or wherever you like.

2. Shake after each workout.
To recharge your batteries and provide your body with vital nutrients, grab a shake full of fast-absorbing carbs and protein to recover and relieve muscle soreness the next day.

3. Drink more water, preferably electrolyte water.
What are the most important benefits of electrolyte water?

Besides providing hydration, it provides magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium. This is an important factor in muscle recovery and reducing fatigue. Sodium can be added to drinking water, and for potassium, bananas are the most important source. Grains, nuts, and green leafy vegetables are important sources of magnesium. To get calcium electrolytes, the plan includes daily calcium-rich foods like (soy milk) + cereal and yogurt.

4. Massage
You can go to a massage salon or massage your tight muscles yourself. It increases blood circulation, aids post-workout recovery, and lowers lactic acid levels in the muscles.

5. Get enough sleep
Sleep at least 8 hours a night and more on training days. Even 30 minutes of sleep in the afternoon, if possible, can help you recover. Remember: Muscles grow when you are resting, not when you are training. Going to the gym only represents 25-30% of the bodybuilding equation. The remaining pieces are filled with rest and nourishment. It would take an entire article to list the importance of a good night’s sleep for muscle recovery and muscle pain relief.

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